How to find unlimited low-competition affiliate keywords for free

How to find unlimited low-competition affiliate keywords for free

Howdy , it’s time for another free guide.

Possibly the best one I’ve posted so far, but let’s see what you think… :D

Keyword research is a pain.

We pay $$$s for tools like ahrefs and KWFinder, but we can only look at a sample of data, and by the time it’s been crawled and stored, Google’s already changed.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through my step-by-step method for finding low-competition affiliate keywords directly in Google in just a few minutes.

What do I mean by affiliate keywords? I mean “Best X for Y” keywords that attract shoppers just before they make a purchase. Some people call them commercial investigation or buyer intent keywords. The kind affiliate marketers make $$$ with.

This method is beginner-friendly and you only need Chrome and some free tools, there’s no money required and it’s surprisingly quick.

Enough preamble, let’s get into it…

STEP 1: Install and set up these 4 free Chrome extensions


 is from the team behind SEMrush. Install and go to Settings > Preferences > SERP Overlay and check the following boxes:



MozBar is from Moz (obviously). You’ll need to register for a free Moz community account and log in for the extension to work. There’s no need to have a paid Moz account or free trial.


KeywordSurfer is from the team behind Surfer SEO. It was originally released to replace the now premium extension Keywords Everywhere, but it got a major update and is now miles better. It gives you keyword volumes, word count and a lot more right on the SERP.

Install and leave the default settings as they are.


SEO Ruler is a very powerful free SEO extension, but in this guide we’re only going to use it to give us 100 SERP results on one page. You can also do this manually by appending any Google URL with:

STEP 2: Search for a huge affiliate keyword in your niche

Search for a top-level affiliate keyword in your niche, like “best bike”, “best hotel”, “best laptop”. These are huge keywords with high competition.

If you can’t think of which keyword to search for, use Google’s keyword suggestions and go for the one with the highest volume of searches (added by Keyword Surfer):


Use SEO Ruler to display 100 results:


STEP 3: Scroll down the SERP looking for low authority sites

How do you judge low authority? It’s up to you, but I like to look for a combination of:

  • DA <20
  • Indexed pages <100
  • Age <1 year


In the above example, I found a low authority site ranking in position 16. It’s not <1 year old, but the combination of low DA and small number of pages is enough.

Note: I use SEOquake to give me the Bing indexed results not Google to avoid getting a ton of Captcha requests from Google (trust me, it will happen).

STEP 4: Scrape keywords from the low authority domain

To keep things 100% free, I’m going to use UberSuggest here, but if you have access to an SEO tool like ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush or Serpstat, you can use them for this step.


Head to UberSuggest and enter the low authority domain.

Scroll down to the “SEO Keywords” section and look for the affiliate keywords they rank position 1 for.


Some domains are going to give you 1 or 2 keywords, while others will give you lots.


These are the top keywords for the whole domain. You can also use UberSuggest’s “Top Pages” feature to view the top keywords for a single page.


Note: UberSuggest will block you after 3 free searches. You can log in with a Google account to keep using it for free. There’s no need to pay for access to any more data. Just use a burner Gmail account you don’t care about because it will want access to Search Console.

STEP 5: Check the SERP for your new keyword

To double-check that you’re going after a low competition keyword, pop it back into Google and look at the SERP.


KeywordSurfer will give you the estimated monthly search volume (in this example 720 US searches).

Check that the top results are low authority using the same rules as before.

Note the word count (show by Keyword Surfer) of the top results. In this example, the top 2 results are >4,000 words, so you’ll likely need to write a long post to rank this one unless your site has more authority.

You may accidentally find KGR (keyword golden ratio) keywords.

In this example, the keyword I found is KGR compliant if you use the rule of 63 (more than 250 monthly searches but fewer than 63 allintitle results). 41/720 = 0.057.


STEP 6: Go do the hard work

Now you’ve identified a bunch of low competition affiliate keywords, what are you going to do about it?

Keywords don’t rank themselves.

If you write (or pay someone else to write) an optimized post on these keywords for a niche site, you’re almost guaranteed to make money from it.

It’s simple, but it’s also hard work. Go do it.

Final notes

If you have a low authority general niche site (like “”), you’re going to find it harder to rank these keywords.

As you will see when searching, low authority sites rank much better if they are niche-specific (e.g. all about golf), it’s just the way Google rewards topical authority. See my guide on how to use a silo structure on affiliate sites for more info.

This method works for product affiliates, but also other affiliate niches, like finance and digital services. For example, here’s a search I just did for “best credit card”:


It took until position 89 to find a low authority site, but it still gave me a low competition finance keyword:


You’ll have to search for longer to find gems in these hyper-competitive niches, but they are there if you know how to look.

As always, those smart enough to twist my method will have the best success. Some ideas to start you off:

Twist #1: use a VPN to repeat this method for different countries. If you don’t have a VPN, use the MozBar feature to change the country.


Twist #2: why stop at affiliate keywords, try looking for informational keywords that you can quickly rank and grow traffic.

Twist #3: use your new SERP scraping skills to identify keywords that need a low word count to rank.

Twist #4: find a new niche to start a new website on by looking at high-commission affiliate program keywords first.

Twist #5: come up with your own methodology for “low authority”, maybe <3 month old sites, maybe sites with outdated titles (e.g. best X 2019).

That’s enough spoon feeding… leave questions below and I’ll try to answer them as soon as I can.

Good luck and happy keyword hunting.

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